Play - Celebrate & see all the animals

No-one ever has to get bored here!
Pop in for a fresh cup of coffee or have fun with the whole family for the entire day. 

You are always welcome.


Indoor and outdoor playground

We have an indoor and outdoor playground for children up to 12 years old. There's lots to discover. Do you have a brave three year old? Bring them here! Playing is good for developing motor skills and they will have great fun at the same time.

Our outdoor playground has recently been completely renovated and new play equipment has been added. In the indoor playground, there are plenty of small toys for the youngest children, such as a hammering game, an abacus, lorries with bricks and a mini slide.  All of our equipment complies with all safety requirements.

Malpie trails and routes

Walking, cycling and horse riding 

Valkenswaard is a real walking municipality and the Malpie is a beautiful nature reserve. You can spend hours here. On foot, on horseback or on the bike. Start and/or end your trail at Malpie Hoeve, or take a break here for refreshment. We have everything you need to regain your strength. 
Have a look at our
Malpie trails and routes:
Walking trails Fietsroutes Equestrian trails

Take a look at all the animals

From farmhouse to Malpie Hoeve

Originally, Malpie Hoeve was a farm that we took over from Jan's parents in 1995. We still have about 60 Red Holstein Frisian cows and about 5,500 Novogen free-range hens. Children always enjoy it when they see that not only can they play, but they can also take a look at the farm itself. You can see our cows and chickens in various places and can watch our cows being milked from close by. 

In 1999, we started making homemade ice cream using our own milk. If you like fresh products straight from the farm, our milk, eggs and ice cream are, of course, available to purchase at Malpie Hoeve.
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